Submission Guidelines
Harbinger seeks to publish rigorous intellectual inquiry guided by emancipatory political goals. As social ecology is a broad and interdisciplinary field, we seek submissions in a variety of formats on topics including but not limited to theoretical and philosophical texts, strategic reflections on current organizing projects, interventions into current left debates, artistic contributions, book/film/culture reviews, and essays interrogating a wide spectrum of relevant topics.
Length should be guided by intellectual necessity; we want contributors to have enough space to make their case while keeping in mind that less is often more. Article should aim for somewhere between 3,000 and 12,000 words, and reviews around 2,000–3,000 words. We use endnotes for citing references and adding parenthetical information; please insert them directly into the text using the program’s citation function and formatted according to MLA style, i.e. Bookchin, Murray. The Ecology of Freedom. AK Press, 2005. Please use U.S. spelling conventions, single spacing, no indentation for new paragraphs, a single space after periods, and indented block quotes for direct quotations more than 4 lines in length without quotation marks. Please submit all manuscripts in Word or an equivalent document format.