Boyd Rossing

After a 30 year career, Boyd retired from the faculty of Civil Society and Community Studies of the School of Human Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2008. As an applied academic he supported local actors, including Cooperative Extension faculty, in using community education to support community problem-solving and change. Subsequently he has combined local practice around issues of black families and development of worker cooperatives in Madison, Wisconsin with exploration of global conditions and movements for transformative change. He joined Symbiosis in July 2019, participated in the September Congress, and convened a Political Education workgroup for over a year following the Congress.

1 Articles Published | Follow:
Unsettling, Rooting, and Shifting: Growing Pains for the Bottom-up Confederal Democracy Movement in North American Racial-Settler Context

“The unsettling process entails unpacking and contextualizing the Euro-centric ideas and practices that have been presumptively universalized across non-European contexts. Unsettling can extend deeply to implicit and explicit Eurocentric presumptions about patriarchy, heterosexuality, the primacy of class analysis, the nature of the state, and more.”